The Realm of Possibility

A not-for-profit project for the common good.

So what is ‘Possibility’?

The following overview offers you a brief introduction to the Realm of Possibility.

However, to see and understand ‘Possibility’ requires letting go of the known and looking in the direction of the yet-to-be-seen.

We recommend that you read one of our guides.

In addition, we would love to see you at one of our Retreats.

Also, please feel free to join the Forum for exchanging ideas with others on this website.

‘Possibility’ – what a wonderful word it is!

Did you know that you and I – and each human on the planet – create our reality?

You and I are doing it right now!

Yes, we create our personal experience of reality in each moment.

We experience Possibility when we look at someone or something as if for the first time.

Impossibility is what we experience when living unconsciously from our accumulation.

Therefore, Possibility – or impossibility – is the raw material of our daily lives, creating our reality from either state.

Take a deeper look.

Looking deeper into our inner world, we discover that our reality is what we create, moment by moment, using the gift of Thought.

A one-to-one correlation exists between what we think, how we feel, how we act, and the world we experience.

How we think about life is how life is for us in each unfolding moment.

And what we think, feel, and how we respond are unique to each of us.

Seeing Possibility or seeing impossibility.

Returning to the start, we experience our life from one of two states: Possibility or impossibility.

And one or the other determines our potential in each shifting moment.

Seeing Possibility occurs when we wake up to the simple but profound reality that we think into existence, our ‘reality’.

In that awakening, we experience a shift in our consciousness.

That shift makes us aware of our state in each moment: Possibility or impossibility.

There’s nothing mystical here.

It’s simply a shift in our awareness – you and I operating with greater clarity and insight, perhaps for the first time.

It is us seeing what is! Not what we remember them, those, that, or it to be.

We experience the deliciousness of creating fresh moments when we see:

  • our partner,
  • children and grandchildren,
  • parents,
  • friends,
  • colleagues,
  • those we don’t like,
  • those we do like,
  • and the world,

as if for the first time.

We do so because we are free from our beliefs, opinions and judgements.

Our knowledge of them is on tap, no longer on top.

Memories, expectations, history and bias are in the background, no longer in the foreground.

The accumulation blocking us from seeing who they are, in their essence, in each new, fresh moment dissolves.

Our inner eye has opened.

We shut up shop.

And we close it again when we hold others responsible for our life as it is.

When we blame our upbringing, environment, past mistakes or experiences, we bury ourselves in our story and close the door to our deeper reality of Possibility.

In blaming someone else’s words or actions, outside events, or how much money we have or haven’t, we see life from a state of impossibility.

In doing so, we are re-creating our experience from our lifelong accumulation. We reconfirm why our life is how it is and why others are the way they are.

Living from that illusion is our false truth, creating our false self.

We mistakenly use our past to try to make sense of our lives and shape them as we have grown up to believe they are. In doing that, we continue to live out our story – our beliefs, opinions, judgements and knowledge – nothing more, nothing less.

Nothing changes.

We are achieving nothing more than projecting our past into our future.

Get a fresh start.

Neither you nor I need to accept that we remain limited psychologically by our conditioning, gender, culture or circumstance.

Reasons and rationales, however compelling, are figments of our imagination. They are the stories we have methodically or haphazardly created to make sense of our momentary experiences.

Once we see Possibility, we see our learned habits as unrecognised blocks to that more profound reality.

We see the self-created boundaries to fresh discoveries, creativity and taking direct action.

We experience a deeper understanding of our true self, our innate loving nature.

What we need to understand.

On this journey of discovery, we need first to understand that we already possess a deeper intelligence beyond the limitations of our memory.

Beyond everything about which we deceive ourselves.

Beyond our certainty that life and death are what we believe them to be.


The question to ask ourselves is: Do we want to remain a prisoner of a finite past?

Alternatively, would we like to see and experience the world of Possibility – experience and share our innate love, understanding, wisdom and common sense?

Possibility is not just a word; it is a state of mind and only a thought away.

We invite you to join us in A World of Possibility … recreating the world in which we relate, create, live, work and play.

Warmly … John

Consider taking the three-day, not-for-profit Possibility Retreat for experiential guidance to accessing original Thought.