Malcolm and Possibility

Hi John,

I have read your articles about the Corona Virus.

I think what we have had is a jolt against normality that will have economic, psychological and other repercussions for many years, most of which we can’t see at the moment. I hope that we do start seeing things anew.

I have for a long time been in favour of your ideas about possibility. I think they have a long tradition, going back to Proverbs, where a statement is made: “as a man thinketh, so he is”. I have also been a fan of a quote from Virgil, which is: “They can because they think they can”.

I think that some people are born into possibility thinking, whereas most people are not, me included. On the other hand, one can discover possibility, and I could count myself in that number, although I find it slips away very easily. I have spent a good part of my life without having any expectations about being worthy of or capable of anything wonderful. I had a most depressing childhood and parents who did not express much hope for me. It didn’t help that I was seriously ill when I was only months old, and that later I was a very slow developer and was rather lacking in social skills and confidence, to the extent that my life was, as I see it now, pretty badly blighted.

I have followed various self-development paths. Nothing seemed to stick however, probably meaning that I was not ready to hear what was being said. I have never found answers in religion, although I have tried to find them, I remain of the view that the world has not yet developed a religion that could be wholeheartedly subscribed to, although there are obviously good elements in all religions.

When I was in my early 50’s, I had an interesting experience. My second wife had died after a long illness. I was completely broke and my career was in a shambles after being out of the workforce as my late wife’s carer. I was homeless, and was house-sitting in Gosnells, with a dog called Scotty. My only form of transport was a yellow bicycle that the Op Shop gave me, and I was riding this around one day near the corner of Murdoch Drive and Leach Highway in Western Australia. I was suddenly hit with a revelation; that everything would be all right and that my life would all come together!

That single thought in that moment has been enough to have driven me along ever since, and all it was, was a thought. I have no idea where it came from, but I remain ever grateful for the experience. I didn’t “work” for it, or train, or do a course. You might say it was an act of grace, from somewhere in the Universe!

So I do believe in the power of thought. When I am feeling my best, it is as if I am aligned with a good universe, and I can manifest good things.

Thanks for your work,

Best wishes,
