Reviews and Endorsements for The Business of Possibility

I have known John for over 40 years as a business colleague and friend. We were both entrepreneurial business founders and developers, although he has always been far more financially successful than me. Each of us was active in (to use the language of the 1970s and 80s) “personal growth” and the “human potential movement”. I understand that if I were living in what John calls a state of Possibility, I would not judge or evaluate him or his work. But truth is I have always admired John’s accomplishments, work ethic and, as he used to say, intention to be a “loving human being.” John’s new book, The Business of Possibility, brings together learnings from his impressive entrepreneurial achievements and his lived experience generally. John is on a mission to teach and share for the sake of humanity, other life forms and the planet. In this book he focuses on the potential of business leaders, and consequently business generally, to get humanity out of the mess we’re in. In a way, this book is the story of John’s life (to date). As he might say, it is his honest account of the truth of his life (based on memory and memory of memory), but it is not “the Truth” as no story can be. The book will appeal to business leaders for whom “doing good” is just as if not more important than doing well.

‘Who among us has not felt the sense of frustration that comes with knowing that how you live your life doesn't match your philosophy of life? Successful businessman and teacher John Wood has written a wise book that will help you bridge that gap. With John as your guide, you and your organization can go beyond idealism and begin to live from the highest realm of Possibility.’

Professor Emeritus of Economics and Leadership
University of Baltimore

‘Amidst a plethora of self-improvement books, John's writing stands out as a wake-up call, for numerous reasons. For a start, it is challenging, not in a bothersome way, but in a remarkably disarming manner, as it gently directs the reader away from the continuing search for the endless solutions proposed “out there” to problems facing big and small business in particular and, by inference, all of humanity. Instead, it invites the reader to uncover and reflect on two fundamental, innate human faculties, constantly in operation, namely Possibility and Thought – not as interpreted and used conventionally, but understood and seen afresh in ways that are liberating, inspiring and always accessible.

Having known John for decades and been fortunate to have him as a mentor, I have benefited greatly from what he has been pointing to, and have no hesitation in strongly recommending his latest book. It is an invaluable guide that has the potential to last a lifetime.’

Martial-arts teacher,
writer and counsellor

‘I have seen magic happen when an executive leadership team in business opens to Possibility at an offsite workshop. New unexpected strategic business solutions appear that go beyond linear thinking. Just getting a group of leaders focused on discussing Possibility opens up a new realm, as John explains in this new book. John clearly wants to contribute lasting value for leaders who care about being in service to the common good. This is a must-read for leaders looking to expand the potential of themselves, their teams and business while making a difference in the world.’

Workshop Facilitator, Trusted Adviser to Presidents
Board Member and Executive Mentor

‘Read this book now ... if you’re passionate about being a wildly successful entrepreneur as we enter the uncharted economic and social global territory ahead. This book and the wisdom it shares is based on the radical notion that Possibility – the state of kindness, understanding, wisdom, and common sense – are essential entrepreneurial competencies needed to navigate a new world.’

Co-Founder – Center for Purposeful Leadership

‘The Business of Possibility is an immensely powerful and unforgettable book. It will take you on a journey that is simple and yet has profound wisdom on every page. Although focused primarily on business, it will be of equal benefit to readers in their personal lives. In short, this book is life-changing!

It outlines the Fourth Dimension of Business and Organisation, which, while generally not recognised or talked about, lies at the heart of true success. The distinctions between “service” and “being in service” are explored.

Merging “what works” with “what matters” in your organisation creates a culture that sees the team communicating and succeeding at the highest level, but with kindness, understanding, wisdom and common sense.

This doesn’t sound like “business talk”, does it? And that’s our point of difference at Land4Sale and the reason why clients say, “You’re a breath of fresh air to work with and you actually give a damn.”

I’ve had the privilege of John Wood’s teachings for the past 22 years, which is reflected in how Land4Sale is in business and why we have grown to be the most successful independent organisation in our field. This comes with a willingness to see something new and the intention to be open to Possibility.

The Business of Possibility is a ground-breaking must-read for a start-up business or for an existing business looking for a fresh start.’

Founder and Managing Director
Land4Sale Western Australia

‘I have worked with many, many business owners, and when I reflect on what was their key success factor, it wasn’t that they had or employed the best “Skills” – I have seen many highly skilled businesses not reach their potential. It wasn’t that they had the best “Systems” – I have seen companies with highly advanced systems fail. And it wasn’t that they had robust and abundant access to “Finance”… it wasn’t any of these factors. All are important. In fact, very important and highly successful businesses were on top of these factors. The standout, however, always comes back to the quality of thinking of the owner and everyone in the organisation … their ability to see Possibility, the “Fourth Dimension” as John calls it … John’s insights go to the heart of what matters and, in turn, will lead to what works.’

Managing Director, Nexia Perth
Chairman, Nexia Australia

‘You will be rewarded if you read this book at least twice. The first run through will ignite your curiosity, as this is not your standard business-improvement manual. The second read will give you time to challenge your own beliefs, whether you are an employer or employee of a business or organisation of any size.

John Wood formed and grew a national recreation vehicle business from virtually nothing in the Sixties, and maintained growth despite downturns and recessions and a massive shock to the industry in the late Seventies. Being open to new ideas and constantly fostering the growth of those around him, John pushed the boundaries of traditional business theory, leading to – amongst other things – a new and innovative lifestyle-accommodation concept for the over-55s.

Today, as customers or associates, we come into contact with businesses and organisations that seem to have lost their way and struggle with direction. Quite often this is reflected in the attitude of the people working in customer service. To survive and prosper, a business now needs much more than a healthy cash balance, it needs creative thinking and imagination and to not be wedded to the past. I totally endorse John’s latest book as a catalyst for that thinking.’

B ECS Monash
Divisional General Manager (retired), Fleetwood Corporation Ltd

‘How can you function well if you do not know how you function? People in positions of authority can facilitate the incredible process of awakening to Possibility most effectively – once they experience it for themselves, they are likely to encourage and support others. This will change the very essence and feel of the organisations they run, through the cumulative effect of more and more employees and contractors understanding themselves, and therefore becoming 100% responsible for themselves and their roles.’

Retired IT Systems Analyst/Project Leader and Lawyer