These articles, essays and letters are designed to help point the reader toward Possibility (and away from impossibility).
Each piece helps flesh out how you and I can live from a fresh view of life, freedom and creativity. They are equally relevant for practitioners, mums and dads, businesspeople and those working in the public sector.
Feel free to print these pages or share the links with others.
THE CREATORS OF HEAVEN AND HELL The world watched the US news bulletins this week. What was your experience? This was mine. All the people I saw on the TV news – those police officers who committed the murderous act, the victim, the grieving family and friends, the furious crowds, the… Read More
Democracies test our kindness, understanding, wisdom and common sense. A fellow traveller posed the following question. “Hi, John. Can any country be free if the people remain in bondage to their thinking – or can I understand democracy if I am not democratic, and can… Read More
Hi John, I have read your articles about the Corona Virus. I think what we have had is a jolt against normality that will have economic, psychological and other repercussions for many years, most of which we can’t see at the moment. I hope that we do start seeing things… Read More
‘STONE WALLS DO NOT A PRISON MAKE, NOR IRON BARS A CAGE’ Richard Lovelace, 1642 A railway line that once carried passengers and freight across The Darling Range in Western Australia was suddenly closed mid-last century. Today, as an unintended blessing from that distant, questionable decision,… Read More
Can you touch hearts and minds by listening? We see to the heart of the matter when we genuinely listen to another. Listening in this way has everything to do with the other, and nothing to do with the other. It has everything to do with us,… Read More
Part 2 Possibility is a state of mind – the state for solving all problems, for getting a fresh start When I was a kid, 10 or so, my mother, May, taught me something that turned out to be of great import. It rang a bell… Read More
Part 1 We are in the midst of an unprecedented global crisis. As each day passes, the losses mount. Yet, nothing on this Earth is one-dimensional – the consequences of the virus, like everything in this world, are multi-faceted. As such, will this specific crisis, I… Read More
Possibility: the light illuminating the yet-to-be-seen, revealing opportunity, renewal and a new future, in whatever aspects of your life that matter to you. Our media presents unending follies that substitute for the understanding most would like to exhibit in our lives and witness in the… Read More
Self-righteousness is akin to self-poisoning. Yet we learn it from the cradle. The term “Influencer’ is extremely popular in the age of social media. In the online world, a social influencer is someone who’s avidly followed and revered. But did you know that every single person we encounter infuses our… Read More
Why are ours? Is there a connection between the two? Thought – being the source of our reality (including our problems and their solutions) – is the underlying premise of this article. Thought – being the wellspring supplying the questions, the answers, and the concepts of Possibility… Read More